Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas 2007

Dear Friends and Family,

We want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah.
Al continues his work at Dell. He will be starting his 10th year in 2008. Those 10 years have flown by. He leads a church group that meets in our home once a week. When he finds some free time he enjoys taking a ride on his motorcycle. (For those who might be wondering, no, Judy does not accompany him on his “bike.”)
Judy spends a lot of her time visiting Johanna (her granddaughter), Britt and Greg in NC. She also took a few trips to Rockford, IL to visit family and wants to thank them for being such a blessing to her. She continues to busy herself with some volunteer work, with teaching Bible lessons and with some sewing/quilting lessons.
Our youngest son, Mark, who is now 21 has been attending the Savannah College of Art and Design and just loves it. He is in Broadcast Design which is creative work on the computer dealing with motion graphics. This summer he worked again at Camp John Marc and he got to go on a mission trip to Moldova with our son-in-law, Greg. He was able to use the experiences he’s gained from working with the kids at camp. He also participates on Fridays with helping kids in Savannah who live in the Projects near his school.
Justin continues to work at Dell. Justin and Sally stay busy with many church related things. We see Justin and Sally about once a week since we now attend the same church. They are expecting their first child in March causing Al and Judy to wonder how life can get any better…a grand child living in town! But then, during the high point of the year, a family trip in October to Mexico to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary, Britt and Greg announced they are expecting their second child!! 2008 is already shaping up to be an incredible year. Sally just put in her notice to quit work so she can get things ready for the baby. They are going to be such great parents.
Britt has been teaching aerobic dance and Pilate’s classes all year, along with volunteer work and being a great mom and wife. Did you know it is possible to put a baby down to sleep without the baby first being fast asleep in your arms? Granted, Johanna is an incredible child but it has been great to see what wonderful parents she has, also. Greg is attending Seminary classes along with his teaching English and coaching basketball. They put up with us begging them to move to Austin but the reality is they may end up in Moldova. (Yes, Judy had to look that up on the map and no, she would not be able to visit there as regularly as she does to NC so we wait to see how God leads them.)
2007 is almost over so we want to take this time to let you know how special you are to us and thank God for all of you! May you all have a very happy and Blessed New Year!

Love, Al and Judy

PS. Judy’s e-mail has changed. Please take note. It is now:

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